Greetings Families of Southeast Delco School District:
Southeast Delco School District is charged with providing all children of the district with a Free and Appropriate Public Education in the least restrictive environment. We understand that parents of exceptional learners have rights under a law called the Inpiduals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). In accordance with this law, Southeast Delco School District, without cost, will provide students with appropriate programs and services to all students thought to be exceptional and in need of specially designed instruction. We pride ourselves on affording students and families with providing programming and services for each exceptional child. Inpidualized education plans will be afforded to students based the child's exceptionality and will be inpidualized based on your child's strengths and weaknesses.
Procedural Safeguards Letter and The Procedural Safeguards Notice
The Procedural Safeguards Letter and The Procedural Safeguards Notice are from the Pennsylvania Department of Education. They reflect the new mandates of The Inpiduals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA '04;PL108-446; USC§1400 et seq). These mandates are effective of July 1, 2005. Any federal or state regulations not impacted by a mandate of the IDEA'04 remains in effect until the provision is changed by revised federal and state regulations implementing the IDEA'04. This document will be amended following issuance of revised federal regulation and revised state regulations implementing the IDEA'04. Click on the links below to download a copy of the Procedural Safeguards Letter and The Procedural Safeguards Notice.
If you should have any questions or concerns about the inpidualized needs of your student, please do not hesitate to contact the District Office of Special Education.
Procedural Safeguards
Dr. Deborah Gibbs-Tapper, Ed.D.
Director of Special Education
[email protected]
610-522-4300 X 5316
Lisa German
Secretary for Dept. of Special Education
[email protected]
610-522-4300 X 5314